Effluent Products

System Management

YARDMASTER® HALO® provides next generation monitoring and control of your Dairy Effluent system .

The SUPERSMART Monitoring & Control platform can be tailored to match the requirements of your farm and features monitoring, stop/ start, alerts, proof of placement and all data is recorded to un-limted cloud based storage. The system can be operated remotely or be securely accessed by any web-enabled device so you can know what is happening with your effluent system even when you are not on the farm .

Our DPS Product Specialists and Sales Team can advise the Effluent management system that is right for your application and as with other products from Yardmaster®, the SUPERSMART Monitoring & Control unit wiill fit seemlessly with other Yardmaster products including Pumps, Stirrers and Separators as well as a range of irrigators and other equipment in your effluent system.

System Management
Yardmaster Halo

